



笠井剛清先生と「Manhole children」

                  大 釜 茂 璋

 教職暦7年を迎える若手一押しの教師ですが、いよいよこれからベテランの域に入ろうとする、まさにやる気十分の英語教師としてばりばりぼ研究熱心、川村光一 先生からも、e-prosフォーラムの講師として、自信を持って推薦できる、頼もしい先生であるとご紹介をいただきました。

 笠井先生は関西外国語大学中嶋陽一教授が主宰する中嶋塾の熱心な塾生として約3年間学んでいます。中嶋先生を知る人は多いと思いますが、先生は富山県の中学校で英語を教え、その後富山県教育委員会の指導主事や教育現場で教頭先生を務め、現在は関西外国語大学で教壇に立っていらっしゃいます。中嶋先生の指導法は多くの現役教師たちに感動を与え、その教育哲学に憧憬の念を 抱く人は全国的な広がりを見せていることは、今更ながら説明するまでもありません。


 次に掲載する英文は、笠井先生の授業から「Manhole children」を受けた生徒たちが書いた感想です。文法的には多くのエラーがありますが、15歳の心を感じ取ってください。素晴らしい文ばかりではありません。しかしその中にも、キラリと輝く文があります。それを探すのがたまらなく好きですと、笠井先生は生徒の文を、愛情を込めて読んでいます。


Manhole children(選択英語3年)
1  I was shocked because Mongolian children do not have clothes and home. I can’t put up with living in very cold town. But They are living there.
I am very lucky. I was born in Japan. By the way what can we do for them?

2  I was very shocked when I watched DVD. I read report. And I knew for poor children in the world. So I think it is important for us to know what happens in the world and I want to do something for them. I have visited worked there. Many children don’t have house and many children can’t go to school like Manhole children. But they smiled. When I met them, I want to do something for them, too. So I am going to look for them.

3  I was shocked because they are very poor. I am rich. But I didn’t feel happy. They want to study. I can study. But I don’t like to study. Maybe I can’t live manhole.

4  I was shocked because I think Japanese people and children are very rich. And I think they are stronger than us. Because they never give up to live. So we should do volunteer activity for person from another country. For example, contribute money, clothes and stationary.

5  I was surprised at the movie. I felt that why manhole children are smiling. I think Japanese children are the richest in the world. We can study at school but Manhole children can’t do so.

6  I was shocked. Because I felt sorry. I must only do one thing. They are right. If I live in manhole, I can’t endure.(耐えられない)

7  I think I am happy because I read Manhole children. Japanese children are very happy. But Manhole children are not happy. We can know Mongolian and give them used clothes.

8  I was shocked because I don’t know about all over the world. Now Mongolia is having manhole children. I want to help them. I want to know about the world. And I have to think about what happens in the world. Manhole children are very strong. If I am manhole children, I cant live.

9  I watched manhole children. I was very shocked because they look very tired. I must think about it. Because they are some human. So I have to give money. And I help for manhole children by money. They want to be happy. I think they can become happy someday.

10  I was very shocked because manhole children are different in Japan. Japanese people and children are very rich. But we know nothing about the life of people. I think everybody are equal all over the world.

11  I was shocked because I think Japanese people and children are happy.

12  I was shocked because there are many poor children in Mongolia. They have to live in the manhole.

13 I was sad because I watched the VTR about manhole children. But we must know it. We must give money and clothes. I am happy and lucky. They must give money and clothes. They aren’t happy and lucky. I think it is bad. We are equal. They lived in manhole. They aren’t health. They don’t have parents. They are poor. We should help them. If I am manhole children, I am miserable.

14 I was very very very very very shocked because they live in manhole. I can’t live in the manhole. Manhole is very poor. But they live in the manhole.

15  I was shocked because they are living in the manhole now. They are not very happy. We are happy. I can’t live in the manhole. They are great.

16 I was shocked by manhole children. Because they don’t live in house. And I think I am happy to be born in Japan. I was surprised at -35outside in Mongolia. Because manhole has bad smell and there are many ゴキブリ. I think I can give money for manhole children.

17  This video moved my heart. We always go to school and eat food and wear clothes.
But they are not these things. So we have to give money and clothes to wear. I don’t know these things. We can know about manhole children.

18  I was shocked because I know that many Mongolian children living in manhole. They are very poor. I must understand what happens in the world. I want to give money and clothes for manhole children. I think if I give money and clothes for them, they are happy. I think that we have to give money and clothes. Because we can save children.

19  I was shocked because we have to study to go to high school. But manhole children have to work to live.
I was shocked because they are children. But they have no house. I think Japanese people and children are very rich. I will raise the fund. Can you live in the manhole?

20  I was surprised because manhole children have no food and no clothes and house.

21  I was surprised because they lived in the manhole. I will give money. It is important. I want to do a volunteer work. Because I want to help manhole children. I hope to do for peace all over the world. What do you think? I can’t live in Manhole. Because it has many cockroaches and mouse. Life is the most important in the world.

